Exterior Change Requests

The process

The governing documents for the HOA require that owners seek approval from the HOA for any exterior changes to their lot. This is often referred to as an Architectural Request or Change.

Projects that require approval: fence install, new shed, driveway extension, new exterior paint colors, large scale landscape changes, etc. 

If you are replacing an existing deck or giving the exterior a fresh coat of the same color paint, please proceed.  

These are considered home owner maintenance items and do not require pre-approval.

If you are unsure if your project requires approval, it is always best to check first – send us an email.  

what will be needed

All applications should include detailed, easy to understand drawings with a plot map outlining location within your property lines plus notes that include plans, elevations, construction details, colors, location, etc. as necessary to fully describe the proposed project.

NOTE: Generic statements like, “I want to install a fence.” simply can’t be accepted and will delay the approval process.

signature page

Please speak with and obtain signatures from all property owners having common lot lines with your property along with property owners who may reasonably view the improvement from their property. This signature is not for approval or denial of any application. It is simply acknowledgment of the changes you are proposing. Owners can obtain signatures while application is under review; however, official approval can not be granted until these have been received. You can print out the Neighbor Signature Form and one will also be sent with emailed receipt.

obtaining a plot map

Search your address using the Wake County iMap tool. You can use the birds eye view may that refreshes as long as the lot lines are included. You may need to click on “Deeds” in the bottom menu for a more detailed plot map.

response time

The Review Committee has up to 30 days to render an official decision. To speed up this turnaround time, include as many details as possible.

To speed up the approval process, print out a Neighbor Signature Form now to include with your submission.


  • Read all govering documents.
  • Include as many details as possible.
  • Do not start any changes until you receive your official approval letter.
  • Include Neighbor Signature Form with submission.