Full Services
Includes all standard mangement services plus a few extras only we offer!Below is a general list of what is included, but not limited to, in all standard service contracts.
To review a full detailed outline of our services, please request a proposal request!
Administration –
- provide a public access website for Client
- access to online meeting options; routine HOA meetings will be held ‘onsite’
- maintain all files
- use all various forms of communication to share information with all owners
- average of 12 community inspections by the Contractor – findings to be reported electronically to the Board; who will direct all follow-up
- basic mailing & postal fees included
Financial Services –
- process all accounts receivables and payables
- prepare financial statements; send monthly budget reports
- assist in the collection of accounts in arrears by sending statements and late notices
Miscellaneous –
- help process all exterior change applications using electronic forms
- ensure all HOA common areas are being properly maintained
- communicate and work with all HOA vendors as needed
- arrange and provide all meeting preparation and needed supplies
- Maintain our CAI-NC accreditation